Tuesday, August 2, 2016

August Goals

Can you believe that it's August already?? My summer internship ended last week, and all I have left is about 2 1/2 weeks before I leave for my last year of college. It's crazy to think how fast this summer went by.

To kick the month off, I thought I'd post some of my goals for August in order to hold myself accountable. There is so much I have to do in theses next couple weeks before heading off to school again, that it will be nice to have a "to-do" list of goals to keep me in check.

Goal #1: Edit My Resume

This is an absolute must before going back to college later this month. I have to update it with my new GPA from spring semester as well as with my internship experience that I had this summer. The job search begins practically right away when I get back to college, with the fall Career Fair coming up in the first week of September. I definitely want to have this out of the way before things get hectic and busy at the start of the semester!

Goal #2: Finish My Summer Reading

Okay, I don't have assigned reading for school or anything, but I did buy a bunch of books off of Amazon at the end of spring semester that I haven't finished yet. I read about half of them so far, but I'd really like to finish the rest of them before school starts and I don't have a bunch of free time anymore.

Goal #3: Finish Setting Up My Agenda

This is another thing I want to have done before school starts. Nothing beats having an already planned and organized agenda once school comes around. Organizing my agenda before school starts with dates and deadlines for all my classes, extracurriculars and work times will hopefully allow for little less stressful start of the year. Besides, being on top of things never hurt anybody ;)

Goal #4: Start Packing for College In Advance

The goal is to be all done packing prior to the night before I have to leave. The past two years, I've always waited until the very last possible minute, which always leads to me forgetting something and getting off to a very late start on the road. So here's to hoping my last year of college starts off on the right foot, with everything packed and ready to go before I have to leave.

Goal #5: Actually Blog At Least Twice A Week

Seriously, I am the worst. Here I was starting this new blog, and I just really fell of the bandwagon. Blogging is something I really want to start doing on a somewhat regular basis, and I'd really like to grow this blog. It's definitely going to be a lot of work, but it's all about the journey, right? Plus, with this being my last year of college, I'd definitely like to start documenting things.

My goals for August are pretty much just a mini to-do list for myself before I go back to college, but it's that time of year I guess.

What are some of your goals for August?