Friday, April 1, 2016

April Goals - 2016

Happy Friday and also happy first day of April! Is it just me or did these first few months of 2016 go by really fast?

For me, April marks the last month of the semester, aka the real make-it-or-break it time for college students. It’s going to be crazy and hectic, but even so, I’ve set a few goals for myself for the month. I always enjoy reading these sorts of posts on other blogs, so I thought I’d post my goals on my blog as well!

So let's get onto the goals, shall we?

1. Go to the gym at least 3x per week
Yep, the good ol’ fitness goal. Going to the gym at least 3x a week was one of the goals for 2016 that I made back in January. I was doing a pretty good job with it until Spring Break happened a couple of weeks ago. During SB and the past couple of weeks, I really fell off the bandwagon with working out and going to the gym. Now it’s time to get back on track in April, especially with summer right around the corner!

2. Start cleaning out my dorm room each week
My dorm room is currently a tornado zone. I’ve been living in a single this year and don’t have a roommate, so I haven’t been as motivated to clean up after myself as much as I should. I’m going to try to clean/pack more each weekend up until the end of April so that it’s not such a hassle and as much of a mess to clean up come move out day. Plus, after finals week I won’t be feeling too much like doing a lot of extra packing and cleaning, so I might as well start doing it and breaking it down into more doable chunks.

3. Finish 30,000 words during Camp NaNo
Have you guys ever heard of NaNoWriMo? If you haven’t, NaNoWriMo is a non-profit organization that helps motivate/foster a sort of writing community for people to write a novel in the month of November each year. I participated for the second time back in November 2015, and surprised myself in that I actually met the 50,000 word benchmark goal for NaNoWriMo. I’ve always loved to write, and although I made it past the 50,000 word benchmark, I never finished the book I was writing. 

So, this brings us to Camp NaNoWriMo. Camp NaNoWriMo is sort of a mini version of NaNoWriMo that runs during the month of April, and you’re allowed to pick your own word-count goal. I’m choosing to set my goal at 30,000 words because although I’d love to try to write more, with finals looming over my head and such, 30,000 words is probably already a little bit of a stretch.  But hopefully with Camp NaNo it’ll give me the little push to finally finish the first draft of the novel I’m writing.

4. Create at least 2 blog posts a week
I told myself before starting this third blog of mine that if I’m going to start yet another blog, I’m going to have to really commit myself to it. So far, I’m off to a bad start. I haven’t fully finished designing the layout yet, so things like an “about me” page will hopefully be up as soon as possible! But in the meantime, I would like to start posting at least 2x per week during April so that I can start getting some content out there and start building up my blog a little bit.

5. Drink at least 2 water bottles full of water each day
This goal was another one of the 2016 goals that I made for myself in January. And just like my fitness goal, I was doing really well on this up until SB. I’m sure I'm probably supposed to be drinking way more water than this, but hey, it's a start. Once I make sure I’m drinking more water regularly, I can build from it.

What are some of the goals you have for April?

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